Daily writing prompts covering real-life, engaging topics.

12 months of 5 weeks of inspiration, challenges and prompts. Flexible dates.

Weekly and monthly challenges to help you move out of your confort zone and into fluency.

Created with Love by How To Spanish

If you don't know us, we are How to Spanish, we've been creating Spanish content, materials and communities for 6+ years and helped Thousands of students make Spanish a part of their lives.

Fillable file

The Fillable PDF can be used in any computer, phone or tablet. If you're interested in having it printed and delivered to your physical address, stay tuned. This option will be available for purchase by mid January 2025.

Experience Life in Spanish Like Never Before

Spanish doesn't have to be a set of rules and random words you study. Spanish CAN be part of who you are and we designed this journal to help you achieve exactly that.
